Saturday 5 March 2016

Welcome to Wellington!!

Today had bowled me over. If there's only one place in the world you set your sights on visiting then it should be Wellington. I mean, yes, I'm pretty biased, it was already in my favour, but wow, just, wow. 
I got up and it was hot, I mean 25 degrees hot, sunny as anything and I knew the first thing I needed to do was get some sun cream. I slept fine by the way, all my plans for what I would do when jetlag struck at 4am were forgotten as I slept right through near enough (though I did have a dream that tiny people stole my furniture and woke with a start at some ridiculous hour, I went back to sleep and all was well). So I went shopping and bought sun cream, groceries, nail clippers, boring stuff and to be honest it wasn't the most exciting grocery trip, new world is not my favourite supermarket. Anyway, I walked home and facetimed my beautiful, clever, funny, talented mother, all because I could, and what a laugh we had (I sang to the cats from 11,000 miles away, thanks technology!) and then I went out. I was not prepared. Wellington on a scorching sunday, late summer is a marvel. As I walked out to the waterfront, there was an explosion of colour, music and culture. I cannot make it sound any less fantastical than it was, there were people diving into the water from that ridiculous construction that looms out of the water like a crane, bagpipes playing by the farmers market, tents galore, drums beating and chinese dragons parading around. Students were gathered in big groups, the dragon boat festival was underway with collage teams gathered, taking to the water. I walked past it all in wonder, cicadas were doing  their bit too, there was almost more than I could take in. I wandered down to the NZ festival box office and bought tickets for a contemporary circus show tomorrow evening and when I doubled back, the crowds had gathered and the teams were engaging in a "chant-off" which even segued into a haka from one team. I was blown away by the beauty and culture of my tiny little piece of perfection, so far away from my roots by so close to my heart.
I perused the shops, chatted to people, booked a zealandia nature reserve night tour (this evening, while it is still dry) and checked the cinema times as well as walking down oriental parade to see the swimmers. I even, EVEN plucked up the courage to go into the welsh bar, and found that they host an accoustic session on a tuesday evening!! So I may go and dingle after all. 
Now I am going to drink my tea, eat my noodles and go looking for wildlife. I love you Wellington. 


  1. Wow Hannah, it sounds awesome! And music on a Tuesday? It's kismet 😉 Sue xxx

  2. Love it Hannah, wish we were there! :-)

  3. Love it Hannah, wish we were there! :-)

  4. Wow Han I could almost smell it. Great to see you there and having fun.

  5. Excellent Hannah,nanny loved hearing and seeing what you are up to.go and give them a piece of home at the dingle,asa


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