Saturday 13 April 2013

Why I love Tits.

I love Tits because they are a feature of the British countryside, little blue and yellow flags that say you're home.
Some would say I love them because I'm a closet lesbian. To those people I say: STOP CHANGING THE SUBJECT!
Anyway, I love them so much I decided to draw one, I will include for you my complete bird series in chronological order so you can best ascertain how I ended up as a Tit artist.
Finches next!

Friday 12 April 2013

Anonymouse comments!

Mice have been leaving comments on my blog! Sometimes they forget they are anonymice and don't sign their names! If you are an anonymouse commenter, please sign your name so I know who to thank! Also, I now know how to reply to comments (and I was doing it right, but there was a glitch in the app). For those of you who don't know, I replied to almost every comment I received on my blog while in NZ, but they weren't getting published.
So I can now reply to your comments!
Will blog later, I have much to say! ...maybe.
Love you,
Anonymouse blogger x
(Marla says "I can has anonymice?")