Thursday, 14 March 2013

For the record...

It wasn't wellington's surrounding areas that disappointed me, it was the tour. See photos Fig 1 and 2 below.
Fig 1. Wellington harbour.
Fig 2. Car park and quarry.

I jest, the quarry was an interesting location, if only the tour itself had been more interesting!
Forgot the menu in my last post, so see that too.


  1. mmm Fellowship of Fettucine sounds nice! Lisa x

  2. Think I'd have to go with Bilbo's Baguette :-) xx

  3. I'll have Merry's meaty pizza please! That made me laugh also the photo, in the earlier blog, of the man holding up a still. As Lisa said.I wonder, did you actually have anything from the menu?
    Look at you, making all these memories!:)
    I think my favourite place so far, is the carpark! :)
    Keep enjoying it all my lovely girl.
    Lots of love, mum xx


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