Thursday, 14 March 2013

Wellingtons's beautiful car park tour...

Ah, it wasn't as bad as all that. But my tour of Lord of the rings filming location mostly consisted of the wonderful (but ordinary) trees of Wellington, accompanied by screen shots of where they were shown in the film. We weren't actually given any time to look around the more attractive locations, but were given an abundance of time to pose in front of various trees wearing elf ears (an activity I chose not to partake in) and given a running commentary by our guide who insisted on pointing out various things in the landscape and claiming they were the work of modern day Wizards or Orcs. (For example, apparently Wizards now use frizbees to help practice their spell casting aim.)
All in all the highlight was lunch (menu below) which was rather lovely!
There were four women on the tour who were only in Wellington for the day off their cruise and hadn't even seen lord of the rings, goodness knows what they thought! Though they seemed less disappointed than myself!
I will show you some photos and you can decide for yourself! (I'll even include a photo of William, Tom and Bert in the Te Papa museum!)
All this happened yesterday, and was followed by a patch of sheer panic and then a lovely dinner with my hosts and the young couple who have been staying here also (I say dinner, they had dinner and I made my own food, but I sat with them...)
Anyway, Christchurch tomorrow! But what about TODAY I hear you call! Well, today was so utterly mind numbingly exciting I need a day to compose myself. Night night!!


  1. Is that a restaurant called Scorch-o-rama or maybe a tanning salon? Trees are lovely :-D xx

  2. Aren't Trolls Brilliant! haha lovely pics. x

  3. Brilliant blog, a real spirit lifter Hannah!

    The photo of the man holding up the picture from the film looks bizarre: did you have to stifle a giggle? Even more freakier is the man taking a photo of the man holding the photo/picture. I was thinking it might have been one of those moments like the man making funny noises when we went to see Django.

    Intrigued by your day 'today' being utterly mind numbingly exciting - can't wait to hear more about it, what could it be?

    Hard to believe you have been away now for nearly 2 weeks, life just zips by and unless you grab those precious moments with both hands it all just passes you by unnoticed: wishing you plenty of precious moments and memories - as always.

    Look forward to your next blog x x x (Becky)


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