Right, a nutshell...
On day one I got up at 4am, flew from London City airport, arrived in Amsterdam, bought 'Plato and a Platypus' and read it in the airport during my crummy 6 hour layover, flew to on to Montreal, watched 'Man Up' on the plane and continued reading my kindle book 'The Scar' (more on that later!), then when I arrived in Montreal I had the longest border patrol queue I've ever waited in, took an express bus to the metro, and a metro to my house for the week. Montreal metro is so easy, it makes the tube look like quantum mechanics. Crashed into bed at 9pm very jet lagged. My accomodation is lovely, as is my host. Total travel time: 19hrs :(
Day 2 I woke up at 3am but managed to doze uptil about 6 when I finally gave up and read, later I got up and read, my anxiety was (is) huge and I didn't manage to crawl out of the house until midday. I walked over to Cafe Chat L'heureux, Montreal's original cat cafe and had a very amazing grilled cheese aptly named a 'Cat Lady'. It was boiling out, really scorchio, but I knew the weather forcast was predicting rain so I dragged myself around the city trying to find a coat (I left mine ready to take in the kitchen). Okay, well long story short I did not have a good day, my anxiety was just too much for me to handle and everything I did was pretty miserable. Went to bed at 9 again, exhausted.
Day 3 I woke up at almost 9 (hoorah!) and had a breakfast of biscuits and crackers before heading out. What a difference, where the previous day had been hot and bustling, the city lively and exuberant with lots of people out enjoying the sun and the weekend street festivals, today in the rain the city was calm and quiet, it was everything I needed quite honestly. I finally found a coat but while searching I discovered something much better, DAVIDsTEA! This is a paradise of tea choices! I have never seen so many tea options, nor have I ever smelled something so amazing! With everything from perfect traditional teas to the most incredible fruit and hebal blends, I was practically floored. I tried the tea of the day (a spiced pumpkin chai) and bought a few little tasters. It's incredible, expect me to come home, tea laden! I will include some photos at the bottom. Next I walked to the 'gay village' but I couldn't find the good bit so I carried on to Old Montreal, the dockside area with old buildings and cobbled streets, it was beautiful but packed with tourists and tourist shops so not my cup of tea (my cup of tea was a pumpkin chai latte with honey and it was very much my cup of tea!). After a little look about I headed back to Rue Saint-Denis and started the long walk back to my accomodation. I was starving by 4.30 and happened to be going past a different cat cafe so popped inside, they seated me at a single chair with no table and told me they'd be back to take my order, after 10 minutes or so they brought a cupcake to the people on the next table who asked if they could have their drinks too. Overhearing one woman say to the other '30 minutes for a cupcake and they still haven't brought our drinks!' I left. Knowing Cafe Chate L'heureux served excellent food I headed there instead and had the most amazing roast cauliflower salad!
I went home and showered, washed my hair and bouyed myself up to go out again, but it was raining so much by this time, that I didn't want to stay out in it so I was back to the cat cafe for a cup of tea before bed, I stayed until 10pm, dirty stopout that I am!
So now I have woken up on day 4 feeling far more positive and wondering what I will have to write about at the end of today! Who knows! Thanks guys, I wasn't happy when I got here, I'll admit that, because it's just as as important to be unhappy, you learn more. I feel much better now though, I hope I will look back on this trip and say I love Montreal, but if not, then that's okay too. :)
The area I'm staying in; Plateau Mont Royal
Cafe Chat L'heureux!
One of the beautiful old buldings of Old Motreal.