Saturday, 13 April 2013

Why I love Tits.

I love Tits because they are a feature of the British countryside, little blue and yellow flags that say you're home.
Some would say I love them because I'm a closet lesbian. To those people I say: STOP CHANGING THE SUBJECT!
Anyway, I love them so much I decided to draw one, I will include for you my complete bird series in chronological order so you can best ascertain how I ended up as a Tit artist.
Finches next!


  1. super drawings! I must call them drawings and not tits as I feel very rude (snigger snigger) old am I?! and arent I meant to be a nurse...oh dear!
    Jamie xx

  2. They're all beautiful Hannah, specially the tit :-)
    Sue x

  3. Gosh Han, you are soooo talented, I never knew you were an artist too, and a fablious (a Winnellism so don't blame me!!) one at that, with my fave subject - ornithology!! Love you even more ;-) xx


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